The society we live today tends to misunderstand certain truth and so at times we Christians are caught in that understanding. Before answering this question let us turn to the church the fountain of sound doctrine; for it is only by doing so that we can understand the truth about laziness.

What is laziness?
Laziness is unwillingness to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is the desire to stay without doing something even though one has the means and all it takes to do it. It is the habit of sending to tomorrow what is to be done today even when the need is there. The French author Jules Renard once wrote, "Laziness is nothing more than the habit of resting before you get tired."
Laziness to us Christians is the gross failure to love God with all one's heart, all one's mind, and all one's soul. It is the tendency to do nothing in the face of opportunity. Laziness is also the failure of a person to properly manage the time and resources God has provided. Laziness is a sin! One of the seven deadly sins is sloth.
The church teaches that there are four ways of sinning against God; by actions, words, thought and by omission. Lazy people sin by omission because they wouldn’t do what they are suppose to do or expected of them.
A typical example of laziness is found in the Bible in the parable of the Talents in Mt 25:13-29. A master was to go on voyage and he decided to give talents to his three servants. Reading down the story, all the servants invested their talents except the third who took his and hid in a hole. No investment no profit! He was severely punished because for his laziness. He had all he needed to invest, he didn’t. This is laziness! "Laziness makes a man fall asleep, the idler will go hungry." - Proverbs 19,15 "Laziness in man causes a ceiling to sag and because of a man's slackness a house leaks."- Eclesiastes 10,18, Laziness is the mother of want, hunger, famine." - Tobit 4,13
Laziness is not the inability to work like someone. Often we think that because we cannot work like others we are lazy or because others can’t work like us, they are lazy.
People work differently depending on their respective strength and abilities. You may be strong in one field and weak in the other. Because we all have different skills and abilities, the quantity and quality of our work can never be a true indicator of dedication.
No one is born lazy, people become lazy either by themselves; or influenced by others. Some are made lazy by their parents from child hood and some just grow up with habit of always doing nothing.
God created man to be a worker and whoever does not work is not with God for it is one of the qualities of man. "Do not be daring in your speech, but lazy and negligent in works." Sirach 4,29

Causes of Laziness Procrastination:
Laziness may be assigned to several reasons such as Disinterested and Distasteful tasks. Typically, if a person is disinterested in performing any of the tasks and also feeling that the tasks are distasteful, then there may be a possibility of avoiding such tasks.
Another reason for laziness might be that the individuals concerned can be enduring from certain personal problems that make them postpone their tasks, so they are forced to focus on their problems.
It can also happen, when a person is unable to concentrate on the assignment at hand and thus, finding it complicated to do such tasks and hence, are giving way to indolence.
Laziness, however, is the main reason for having a sense of self-esteem, as an individual feels inability to complete the tasks, which are needed to be accomplished.
Laziness can also happen, when one harbours the thought of seeing others do what is to be done, or the feeling that others should always do things for them.
It should be noted that our society today is the way it because we have allowed this sin of laziness to live with us. That is why a simple document will spend days in offices just for signatures. Many things are delayed and at times postponed because of laziness. God help us.
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