There is widespread talk about the Maputo accord in Cameroon especially as Christians and non Christians have been given diverse reasons for or against homosexuality. What does the Bible says about it?
The truth about Homosexuality can only be understood from the Biblical point of view. We all know that the Bible is the only book that answers every question on good living and the Catholic Church has always been playing the role of the guider of human values and teacher.
The first case of homosexuality appears in the Bible in Genesis 18. When God visited Abraham, he told him that he was going down to Sodom and Gomorrah to see for himself if all that has been said about them was true. “Then Yahweh said, "How great is the cry for justice against Sodom and Gomorrah! And how grievous is their sin!
I am going down to see if they have done all that they are charged with in the outcry that has reached me. If it is not so, I will know." Gen 18:20-21.
From this point of view, we can understand how grievous such a sin is, that God himself would decide to come down and see for himself. It was imaginable for a man to be involved in sexual intercourse with a man yet it happened.
As God went down to Sodom and Gomorrah, we see for ourselves that as the men entered the town, the bible reports, They had not yet gone to bed when men from the town surrounded the house; they were the men of Sodom, young and old, the entire population.
They called Lot and said to him, "Where are the men who arrived here tonight? Send them out so that we may have sex with them." Gen 19:4-5.
Indeed, the people of Sodom turned the reality of nature, a man did not desire a woman and a woman did not desire a man. What an abomination!
Sodom was destroyed because of homosexuality! Why did God destroy Sodom and Gomorrah?
He did so to wipe out that sin from the face of the earth. He wanted this abomination to be remembered no more. He wanted to preserve his creature, (man) whom he created from his own image from further destruction. Yet the devil did not stop at that.
Today our leaders have adopted homosexuality in respect of human freedom. The question I ask myself is don’t this people read the Bible which is found everywhere today?
It is clearly stated in the book of Leviticus, 18: 22 that “Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; it is an abomination”. The bible says it is an abomination. Abomination in this case means not to be mentioned or heard of.
The word of God tells us that homosexuality is contrary to sound doctrine. 1Tim 1:10
In every aspect, homosexuality is not to be a point of discussion among children of God and if our leaders are voting in support of it then they are dedicating our country to the devil. Woe to them because they shall receive their rewards!
As we shall be matching tomorrow against this societal ill, it should be noted that if our conscience are not transformed, we can’t be transformed. If the whole Christian population, cognisance of the damages of homosexuality both to the soul and society will stand up firmly against it, then we will eradicate this nonsense from our society. If a law is passed and no one respects it, it will end up in drawers.
Let’s go out tomorrow, to declare that we are against it; that we are for Christ and against all that is against the good news.
It is a personal declaration of our faith and what we profess. Don’t be left out!
God bless you, Amen.
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